
Step 1

Upon receipt of your needs and requirements, we will meet with you and ‘listen’ to your business challenges during an initial ‘Discovery Workshop’. During the session, experts from sales and engineering teams will also outline the capabilities and opportunities offered by our solution, and in collaboration begin to identify where they could be applied.


Step 2

The briefing document will be shared with the right team members and the selection process begins. By sharing the requirements with everyone involved, we ensure there is full understanding of what needs to be delivered, develop a shared vision and timeline, create a road-map of how the project will be achieved, involve stakeholders in the process as early as possible so that they can help shape their own requirements and provide input during every stage.


Step 3

We will work with you to EVALUATE the requirements and build a quote that outlines the required solution including; resources, licensing and ongoing support needed as well as cost options.

Proof of Concept

Step 4

For larger projects, where appropriate we will set up an initial ‘Proof of Concept’ project. This ensures all data output and processes can be achieved as anticipated ahead of full implementation.


Step 5

IMPLEMENTATION is where our dedicated delivery team brings the solution to life. At this stage we will be working together with the customer to make sure the solution works as expected, and that it fulfills their needs.